All HOA posts


High Association Assessments? Here’s Why.

July 8, 2022

At Seabreeze Management Company, we often receive questions regarding high or increasing assessment costs. Hopefully, we can help you understand community association assessments. The governing documents of the homeowner association determine their common expenses. During the annual budget evaluation, the board members choose the needed contributions. Community association assessments help pay for the services the association provides its members, including annual operating and planned expenses that extend over a certain amount of time. The yearly operating expenses usually include recurring costs, like management fees, landscaping, pool, janitorial, legal services, etc.... READ THE POST


California Drought: Seabreeze Takes Action

July 1, 2022

The State Water Board adopted a second statewide emergency water conservation regulation in May 2022 in another effort to reduce the impact of these devastating droughts. Previously adopting the first conservation emergency regulations in January included items like turning off decorative water fountains and adding automatic shutoff nozzles to water hoses. On June 10, 2022. The following regulation requirements were added to the existing ones. Banning the use of potable water on ornamental grass found at commercial, industrial, and institutional properties. Including non-functional turf that homeowner associations control. Additionally, avoid... READ THE POST


Update on Electronic Voting for HOA Elections

January 27, 2015

Assembly Bill 1360 is proposed legislation pending in California that would allow homeowners associations to conduct elections by electronic voting and would enact related provisions. The bill would require: (I) an association, if electronic voting is to be conducted, to provide each member with an opportunity to indicate that he or she will be voting electronically and to provide ballots, as specified; (ii) the electronic balloting service provider to retain the electronically submitted ballot data until the time allowed for challenging the election has expired; (iii) set forth minimum requirements... READ THE POST


HOAs Finding Creative Ways to Reduce Water Consumption While Maintaining Great Looking Communities

January 27, 2015

Considering California is experiencing one of the worst droughts on record, we thought it would be valuable to dedicate an article this month to this ongoing topic. To gain a deeper understanding of some of the most frequent challenges HOA’s face, and discover some recommendations for creative solutions, we had a candid conversation with one of Seabreeze Management’s landscape partners, John Hall, President of SpectrumCare Landscape. Here’s what we learned: First, it’s important to be aware of what is currently happening in the state of California with regard to water... READ THE POST


Plug-In Cars On The Rise – What It Means for HOAs

January 27, 2015

Plug-in, electric vehicles continue to hit the auto market and this is increasing the number of member requests to install charging stations (“EVCSs”) in association common areas and exclusive use common areas. Is your association ready to handle a higher volume of requests and increased applications? Are you aware of what your association’s obligations are and will be considering current legislation? Attorney David Wankel of the law firm of Hickey & Petchul, LLP, who specializes in community association law, has provided this valuable overview of the applicable law and how... READ THE POST