At Seabreeze, our mission is people, performance, passion. Our people are the best in the industry, our performance sets us apart, and our passion for our clients and each other is what makes us great.
We work with associations of all sizes in Los Angeles and strive to deliver personalized service that enables your community to thrive. From budgets to board meetings, events to community improvement projects, our team’s hands-on approach engages board members and residents alike.
Homeowners associations are organizations established for subdivisions, planned communities, apartments, or condominiums. Each HOA has unique covenants and bylaws as well as state and county rules that are designed to keep the community healthy while retaining property values. The HOA is run by a board of directors, who are each elected to their respective roles and committees for a particular period of time.
An HOA management company works with the board of directors to manage all administrative and accounting functions for the association. The HOA management company also acts as a site manager. The site manager ensures association rules are enforced, community improvement projects are performed, maintenance requests are handled, budgets are developed and met, and community vendors are selected. Overall, the HOA management company is there to help the board of directors shape community strategy and ensure smooth day-to-day operations.
Every HOA is different, which means some may need more or less help from an outside management company. There’s no one-size-fits-all formula. The first step is to talk to a management company to discuss your community’s unique needs. From there, a good management company can put together a cost estimate that provides the right amount of service for the right price. The most important thing is that you understand the value and expertise the management company brings.
There are a number of key factors to consider when choosing a management company. First, it’s extremely important that the company listens and understands your needs, goals, and areas where you’d like to improve community operations. From there you can develop a plan that works with your goals and budget. In addition, don’t be afraid to ask for references, check industry credentials, or to talk with members of the team before making a decision. Above all, the company should invest in its team so that team can invest in your community.
A good HOA manager is proactive, empathetic, and knowledgeable. The person must be well-versed in property management best practices as well as legislative requirements to ensure the association is operating efficiently and compliant. In addition to knowledge, it’s important for any manager to truly listen and come up with creative solutions to deliver value for the board members and the community – all while doing so on-time and on-budget.
At Seabreeze, we work tirelessly to provide the best possible service at a competitive price. We also know that no two communities are alike. Before offering a proposal, our team works with each community to understand needs, wants, and goals. From there we create a tailored plan that fits within your budget.
Homeowners associations are overseen by a board of directors. These board members are elected to these positions for a particular period of time. While they are there to serve the community and advance the goals and agenda of its residents, these board members are not paid. All board member positions are done on a voluntary basis.
Managing a homeowners association is no small feat, which makes self-management a very difficult option. Every HOA must meet regulatory requirements regarding processes and procedures, finances, and more. In addition, dues and budgets must be managed, including projected expenses, upcoming projects, and delinquent payments. It’s also important that landscaping, maintenance, and all other aspects of the community are managed on a daily basis.
In short, there are a number of moving parts when it comes to managing a community. It requires industry expertise, project management, customer service, and more. That’s why nearly every community chooses to allocate a percentage of monthly dues to a qualified property management company. This alleviates the burden for volunteer board members and enables them to truly focus on what’s best for the community. It also ensures that community standards are met, residents are happy, and helps maintain property values.
Homeowner associations in California are subject to the California Civil Code and Davis Stirling Common Development Interest Act. The Davis Stirling Act refers to the portion of the California Civil Code that addresses homeowner associations and governs condominium, cooperative, and planned unit developments throughout the state. All communities are also subject to any applicable State and Federal Laws.