At Seabreeze, the safety of our communities is our number one priority. We want every board member and resident to know that we are actively monitoring the current regulations from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and their safe practices for COVID-19.
As regulations change, we encourage board members to work with their General Managers to continue to adapt their community-specific response plans, and monitor the recommendations from the CDC.
Currently, we are happy to announce Seabreeze is operating in-office and holding in-person meetings. That said, we ask for your patience and flexibility as we continue to navigate the changing regulations during the pandemic. Please know that we are doing everything in our power to keep essential services up and running while ensuring the safety of your community and our team.
For easy reference, we have included a Resources section with links to government sites for the most current information. For the latest updates, please follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
Please refer to the list of best practices from the CDC to prevent the spread of infectious disease.