Update on Electronic Voting for HOA Elections
January 27, 2015
Assembly Bill 1360 is proposed legislation pending in California that would allow homeowners associations to conduct elections by electronic voting and would enact related provisions. The bill would require: (I) an association, if electronic voting is to be conducted, to provide each member with an opportunity to indicate that he or she will be voting electronically and to provide ballots, as specified; (ii) the electronic balloting service provider to retain the electronically submitted ballot data until the time allowed for challenging the election has expired; (iii) set forth minimum requirements of an electronic voting system for an association’s election; and (iv) authorize the Secretary of State to study and adopt regulations governing the use of electronic voting systems to determine whether the systems are capable of complying with these requirements. A complete copy of the proposed legislation may be viewed via the following link:
Credit: Larry Szabo from