In All Things, Give Thanks

By Isaiah Henry, President and CEO
November 20, 2017

Gratitude is the act of giving thanks, or being grateful for the things that we have. When things feel easy, gratitude often comes naturally. However, it’s in times of trials, when we are weary and broken, that gratitude can get lost in the day-to-day challenge that is life.

In a few short days, many of us will gather around a Thanksgiving table with family and friends, and we’ll share a meal that is meant to symbolize gratitude. But, in a year that has been wrought with pain and hardship, for many of us, gratitude is an emotion that simply will not come.

Now, as we enter the holiday season, we have a new opportunity: of course, we can (and should!) take the time to celebrate with those we love, but we can also reflect on the year that we’ve had and comb through the memories to extract every ounce of joy we can find. It’s this joy that gives us reason to press on and allows us to look towards 2018 with hope and expectation.

At Seabreeze, this year has been full of joy and, when I pause to think, I’m so overwhelmed that I cannot help but be grateful. I’m thankful for the communities we build, for the people we serve, and for the lives that we touch – and that touch us – every single day. This business is personal, and I couldn’t be more grateful for our team who continually demonstrates their commitment to our clients and this industry.

Over the past year, Seabreeze has grown as an organization, and we will continue to grow in 2018 and beyond. Thank you to everyone for your steadfast support and encouragement. It’s because of you that I’m so very grateful, and I am excited to see what the future holds.

Through reflection we find gratitude and, when we find gratitude, we also find hope.