Furthering Education
October 20, 2022

Apart from our mission statement is the word, performance, which has set Seabreeze apart from other competitors. Our team’s performance directly reflects the willingness #teamseabreeze contains to achieve excellence through training and credentials.
In property management, having expertise and a proper understanding of this industry is vital to the success of every homeowner’s association. Community managers, directors, and vice presidents assist in guiding these board members and their associations to be efficient, effective, and, most importantly, lucrative. Community Association Institute (CAI) is an organization created to help better communities by providing education and designations. At Seabreeze, 95% of our customer-facing team holds designations in relation to CAI. There is a constant change in information, legislation, and innovation surrounding community management. Here at Seabreeze, we encourage and offer unmounting support to our employees to stay educated and updated.
Now, we can not forget about the education of board members; Seabreeze Excellence in Training, based out of our Orange County, California office, has been specifically designed for our team and board members. SET has various programs that provide education, empowering the team and board to guide their communities successfully.